
Today I sit in awe of our hard working team.  It's taken me years to create a wedding and event team that enjoyed the hustle.  Through these almost 9 years I have seem many young women and men come through our doors trying out the flower scene.  Many have worked out, and moved on... many have been never scheduled again and others asked politely to leave. It hasn't been easy but man it's been worth it.

The team we currently have might be the hardest working bunch in Houston.  With their hard work and sense of team, we could concur any task ahead. Maxine, with her kind, generous ways is leading the pack.  She designs thoughtfully, and always willing to learn.  Daniel, has been with us the longest and has seen the most.  He never turns down a good days work.  And sweet Dahlgren who has come in wide eyed and has truly hung in there when all others have gracefully bowed out.  She is our youngest and most adventurous. 

Let's not forget our amazing volunteers who get paid in hugs, my mother also my accountant, my father also my financial advisor, and my fiance also my everything. 

And as we all know, no blog post would be complete without some gorgeous images.  Today once again we have more of the artist Hannah Mayson. She just keeps filling our inbox with goodies and we couldn't be more excited.  When she asked us, during set up for the wedding, for styling items we knew we were in for a treat.  

Side note; did you know that not all photographers style images.  What does it mean to style images you might ask? Well let me tell you that it makes the difference.  It is artistically using items such as flowers, ribbons, invitations, plates and other items to place in a manner that tells the story of your event/wedding. These details are the details that you spent days, weeks and sometimes years thinking about, making decisions on and want them to be captured. 

Amongst so many other decisions to make, your photographer is the most important.  Choosing someone that not only photographs well, but also caries your vision through by taking the time to style items can be so important.  And let's be real, it doesn't have to be a whole style sesh, but at least those items that matter to you. 

Did you write a hand written note to your mother? Or bring pieces of china from your grandmothers set.  Potentially a handkerchief that is a family heirloom or your nieces first walk down the aisle.  These are all memorable moments that take time to setup for the image, style and thoughtfully captured.  Discuss these things with your photographer and see their take on what matters to you.