Are you a hydrangea and roses type of gal? We are here for you, to love you and support you through your supper traditional sometimes overlooked flower love.  Why overlooked? Well, us flower designers love working with product that is more exotic than something that can be found at the grocery.  But I am here to tell you that I LOVE hydrangea and roses.  

It might be thought of traditional and needing to be in a pave (compact) style.  Where you will see the ever so popular lollipop shape tall arrangement or the shorter compact tight arrangement.  I am here to show the world that we are no longer tied to these shapes.  

We must move forward and show the that are not limited to what has been done before while keeping to our Southern ways.  In the Deep South we love our hydrangea and roses, am I right ladies? But we can always venture to give this super traditional look a little face lift.

Here is one I created to day to show you that hydrangea and roses are not only gorgeous, but worthy of a modern touch.  We allow our roses to bloom largely and arrange them in such a way that they have more movement and interest. Styling them so they all have their individual space in the arrangement and ultimately giving them each a moment of their own to enjoy. 

Secrets to making this happen:

1) Allow your roses to bloom fully.  This might take longer that you think. Average rose vase life is roughly 10 days.

2) Think about the shape before you make it.  Have an idea in your mind where you are going.  Even take a moment to draw a quick sketch.

3) Take images of your own work, and edit while photographing. Then study those images.  See what small tweaks you made that made the biggest change in design.
